
"Ladder: For given integer n ≤ 9 print a ladder of n steps. The k-th step consists of the integers from 1 to k without spaces between them. " - Snakify python coding question

"Adding factorials: Given an integer n, print the sum 1!+2!+3!+...+n!." - Snakify python coding question

"The number of zeros: Given N numbers: the first number in the input is N, after that N integers are given. Count the number of zeros among the given integers and print it." - Snakify python coding question

"Factorial: In mathematics, the factorial of an integer n, denoted by n! is the following product: n!=1×2×…×n " - Snakify python coding question

"Sum of cubes: For the given integer N calculate the following sum: 1^3+2^3+…+N^3" - Snakify python coding question

"Sum of N numbers: N numbers are given in the input. Read them and print their sum. " - Snackify python coding question

"Sum of ten numbers: 10 numbers are given in the input. Read them and print their sum. Use as few variables as you can. " - Snackify python coding question

"Series - 2: Given two integers A and B. Print all numbers from A to B inclusively, in ascending order, if A < B, or in descending order, if A ≥ B. " - Snackify python coding question

"Series - 1 : Given two integers A and B (A ≤ B). Print all numbers from A to B inclusively. " - Snackify python coding question

"Leap year: Given the year number. You need to check if this year is a leap year. If it is, print LEAP, otherwise print COMMON. " - Snackify python coding question

"Chocolate bar: Chocolate bar has the form of a rectangle divided into n×m portions. Chocolate bar can be split into two rectangular parts by breaking it along a selected straight line on its pattern. Determine whether it is possible to split it so that one of the parts will have exactly k squares." - Snackify python coding question

"Knight move: Chess knight moves like the letter L. It can move two cells horizontally and one cell vertically, or two cells vertically and one cells horizontally. Given two different cells of the chessboard, determine whether a knight can go from the first cell to the second in one move" - Snackify python coding question

"Queen move: Chess queen moves horizontally, vertically or diagonally to any number of cells. Given two different cells of the chessboard, determine whether a queen can go from the first cell to the second in one move." - Snackify python coding question